{"temps": {"AZ": 90.0, "BKGND": 46.79999923706055, "CODE": 1, "DATE": "JUL 26, 2024", "EBKGND": 9.15999984741211, "ESIGNAL": 2.306999921798706, "ETEMP": 51.8380012512207, "ETIME": 0.012000000104308, "IMAGE": 107, "META": {"AZ": "Azimuth angle, 0=North, 90=East, 180=south, 270=west", "BKGND": "Relative Background (ADU Units)", "CODE": "Data quality code, code=0 trustworthy; code=1 be suspicious; code=2 be dubious", "EBKGND": "+/- Error in Relative Background (ADU units)", "ESIGNAL": "+/- Error in Relative Brightness (ADU units)", "ETEMP": "Error in Temperature (K)", "ETIME": "Error in time = 1/2 exposure time (hrs)", "IMAGE": "Image sequence number", "MOON": "Percentage of the moon's synodic cycle", "SIGNAL": "Relative Brightness (ADU Units)", "TEMP": "Temperature (K)", "TMID": "acquisition time in UT (hrs since acquisition start date", "ZN": "Zenith angle, 0=Straight up, 90=horizon"}, "MOON": 57.5, "SIGNAL": 30.290000915527344, "TEMP": 1365.7149658203125, "TMID": 31.5, "ZN": 45.0}, "winds": {"AZ": 90.0, "DQ": 1, "ELOS": 1.360000014305115, "IMGNUM": 107, "LOS": -72.5, "META": {"AZ": "Azimuth angle, 0=North, 90=East, 180=south, 270=west", "DQ": "Data quality code, code=0 trustworthy; code=1 be suspicious; code=2 be dubious", "ELOS": "+/- Error in LOS Winds (m/s)", "IMGNUM": "Image sequence number", "LOS": "Line of Sight winds (m/s)", "TMID_UT": "acquisition time in UT (hrs since acquisition start date)", "ZE": "Zenith angle, 0=Straight up, 90=horizon"}, "TMID_UT": 31.5, "ZE": 45.0, "date": "JUL 26, 2024"}}